Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Toasting Marshmallows, Marshmellows, Marshmollows?

Chapter 12
Fire Light

The wind blew hard and I held onto my thin jacket, trying to keep the warmth in.
"Just a moment miss!" The old man yelled to me. He was suprisingly polite. His little camp consisted of a tarp tent and a old cotton cand machine in which he stored stolen watches.
"Here we ah!!" He gasped as he heaved a log onto the non existent fire. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he started the flame. He looked up at me, "Er, You know why I took yeh, right gal?"
"Well actually no." I stated looking at the stars, they formed the big ladel tonight. I know everyone says its a dipper. But it isnt. Trust me, I know greek mythology.
"You remind me of a woman I once knew!! She lives off in Denmark now!!!!!!" He yelled to the wind. Then he howled like a wolf.
"Oh! What was her name?" I asked politely, hoping if I distracted him enough I could sneak off into the wood.
"AR! It were, Regina Gibson!!" He yelped as though somone had stolen his last jar of honeysuckle jam.
Then it hit me. That name, Regina. The memory came back, her short brown hair and spunky attitude, the day I stole her journal. The day I pushed her in the river. The day she married Rock Westorndale. I realized with a start, this was who I was looking for. She owned the journal. Maybe she would have a clue to the locket! I got so excited I jumped up and down in a circle and thanked the old man. I ran into the forest and right into Monty.
"Mel! Where the ------ did you run off to?" He yelled looking frantic. He looked especially scruffy right then and it looked like he fell in some mud.
"Oh Monty bear! I found it! I did!!! To Denmark! AWAY!!!!" I yelled and skipped off toward the circus. Before I skip off I hear Monty say,"Monty bear? Who does she think she is?" Well, I'll show him. I'll show them all! I'm Mel and I have a secret!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Web Of Truth

Chapter 11
Stockholm Syndrome

I looked out the window into the darkness, my breath fogging the window. I sit back and close my eyes thinking of where I am. I look at Monty trying to keep his eyes open as he drives.
"Maybe, we should stop somewhere for the night? Or if you'll let me i'll drive." I say to him. It was like my words had gotten eaten by the silence right after I said them. I started to wonder if I had actually said it. Then he turned his head to me and nodded. Well, as you can assume that wasn't a lot of information.
"Monty? Would you like me to drive?" I ask again cautiously. He stops the car, looks at me and says, "Blazes no! Mel! We'll stop somewhere." So I nod and look down at my hands. Then threw my peripheral vision I see different colored lights. So I turn my full attention to what I think im seeing, and there it is. A huge circus tent and eerie carnival music is in front of us. I'm so absorbed in this sight that I don't notice that Monty has stopped the car. So I look at him and he says to me with a little grin on his face,
"Pop use ta take me to the circus! I was just a lad!", and he smiles at the whole sight and then opens the door. It takes me a moment of watching Monty walk towards the sight to realize I should go with him. So out of the car I hop! I slip though and get my jeans wet on the dirt road. I run after Monty, and follow him silently till he turns and grabs my hand and starts running. Flustered I stumble along behind him in a daze. He stops at the large tent and then goes to the ticket booth and gets us tickets to see the show! Once we are inside I can tell Monty is somewhere else. We watch the ring master and the lions, zebras, horses, elephants, trapeze artists, and juggling clowns.
When the show is over we walk outside and are greeted by a small homeless man. Well at least, he looked homeless. But you know what they say! Don't judge a book by its cover! I did anyway.
"Are yeh travelin' alone miz?" He asked with a greedy smile. I noticed that he had very few teeth.
"Well no actually! I'm with-" When I turned to point at Monty, he was gone. And I was alone.
"Are yeh? Seems like a nice feller!" He taunted with a drunken laugh! He grabbed my hand and dragged me away. So naturally I started to scream. Louder and louder but it was like my words were being swallowed by the silence once again. No one was watching, people who were wouldn't do anything to help. They all started in silence as this man was pulling me towards the jungle of trees.
"Monty!" I cried one last time as I looked back at the circus.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Golfing With A Candy Cane

Chapter 10
up, up and away

The car jerks as we turn a corner and our boxes and bags in the back of the car slide with us.
"Just want to make a quick stop!" Monty practically yells over the soft music. I look at his him as we pull into the parking area, and all at once I realize, Monty is my best friend! I'm so overwhelmed with happiness I start laughing uncontrollably and have a hard time getting out of the car. While walking into the building I still am smiling. I look over to my right and Monty is giving me an odd look but smiling too! We walk in and there it is. A convience store! Of course! It should have been obvious to me from the very begining. We head strait over to the isle with cereal. I have noticed in the last day or so that monty is in love with cereal. As we talked about our journey he was eating a bowl of cereal the whole time!
"How do you feel about this my dear?" Monty asks me as he holds up a box of Froot Loops.
"Oh my darling I think it is a splendid idea" I say with a coy smile, to which he responds by putting his arms around me and hugging me, right there in the middle of the isle!

"Mel! We need to be movin out o' here pretty fast. Will you put the Froot Loops down please?" Monty says, snapping me out of my little fantasy. 'What an odd thing,' I think to myself 'to have such a thought about Monty! Perposterous!' I am once again hit with a fit of giggles as I follow Monty down the isle.
"Mel! I'm going to teach you how to make the perfect sandwich!" Monty says. To which he promptly leads me around the store choosing certain items! I wrote them down too! Heres a list!
1. Bread (Of the fluffy good kind)
2. Meat (and lots of it!)
3. Lettuce (not as much as the meat)
4. Cheese (Depending on you perfence ik cuobl...)
5. Mustard (I hate mustard)
6. Kettle Chips (spoiecy oaeruc! quouchiyy! alriufuog!)
7. Lemoanabe (Cralyco! fater oul thatou mood!)

It got a little smudged at the end. I hope we have a picnic! Me and Monty having a picnic! Can you see it? I can we would sit on a little red and white checked blanket and eat our sandwiches and chips and lemoanabe.. whatever that is! All the while be serenaded by a french man! Oh alright maybe thats a little too drastic.
It's been raining while we were in the store and I hop over the puddles as we head back to the Jeep. I sit next to Monty in the car and feel tired. I close my eyes but I dont fall to sleep because Monty turns up the music much to loud.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I love these girls more than life itself. If it weren't for them, I would be dead. Last night, I had a dream that a dinosaur was attacking me from under the covers! I couldn't breath because I wanted to scream but I realized that I left my voicebox in the bathroom.
Here's the deal. Abi came in to steal one of my shirts, and she saw the dinosaur and kicked it in the shins.
So, the dinosaur left.
Thanks Ab.
And speaking of Madeline, which I wasn't, but I just realized that she's way cool too. And I just wanted all of you to know that when she sings, I feel like dancing and I always have to join her. Because I like being the center of attention. I hope nobody is offended by this. It's just that, I'm a star, I was born this way.
Ooh la la ga ga.

Take that blogging world. You wish you knew me.
Actually, you wish you knew my sisters. Because they are cooler than me.
K. Bye.

Friday, April 15, 2011

An Uncompleted Jig-Saw Puzzle

Chapter 9
Why so inatimate?

August 23,
"Dear journal, I am an eclectic arrangement of emotions at the moment. You see journal, I went in to continue my seemingly average life at my very average job with the plainly average people I worked with. It seemed to be a fairly normal day, same morning hot chocolate, same "Hello Mate!" as I passed Pauly, the same answering my phone over and over and telling people very average advice. It was at the end of the day that I realized I was the office outcast. I walked out followed by my co-workers, as we got in the elevator and went down to the lobby, our conversations were very average. When we hit the lobby one of my favorite songs started playing, louder than normal I realized, much louder. Thats when I turned around to see my office having a flash mob! Without me! The nerve. I pulled my boss out of the dance and abruptly quit. I am tired of having this happen to me journal."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dotting The Unimpressive "I"

Chapter 8
Carrying Yellow Umbrellas

"Lovely!" I thought as I packed my last jar of jam into the suitcases that had been hiding so delicately underneath my bed for the past week. I had the unfortunate pleasure of arguing with Monty over weather I could pack the bread. In the end I lost that battle and was vaguely deppressed for a moment. I would not let him catch onto that though.
After we returned to the Ambrose after the day at the lake, Monty had informed me that I would not be making my journey alone and he was to escort me. I was not pleased, I argued but he ignored everything I had prepared in argument and told me to pack my things, we would be leaving in the morning. Which is when the argument of the bread came across my mind, you see once you take a bite of this bread, Oh there is nothing like it! I have no way of explaining, I had the nicest dream the other night that I entered into the little bakery and tried every flavor of bread (and pastry!) with each jam! What a dream! I thought that would be me in the next moment but according to Monty I was not allowed to leave my room. I sat there and waited for the morning eventually falling asleep.
"WAKE UP! Get up! It's time to get up now!" yelled an angry voice. I groggily rolled over on my pillow to notice a face right by mine!
"ah! Monty! You- what are you doing in my room!? Its still dark....!" I put my face in my pillow and screamed. I did not want to be up at this hour! What was he thinking! I looked at the clock 14:03. Huh, 14:03 thats odd. I did not rember the clock going up to 14 hours. I looked at the ceiling, an arrangement of blue butterflies were dancing around my room!
"Oh Monty, look! What an odd sight, don't you agree?" I looked at monty and saw that he was nothing more than a whicker chair.
I woke up with a jump. I looked at the ceiling, no blue butterflies, no whicker chair. there was my suitcase all packed and ready to go. I then realized, I did not have that same usual dream. I suddenly felt an empty sullen feeling.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Editing the Willow Tree

Chapter 7
Re-used writing utensels

I clamored up the hill behind Monty, pausing at the top to catch my breath. I didnt know why he had insisted on taking me this far away. It reminded me of a passage I read in the journal.
July 18,
"Dear journal, I have something very important to tell you before I forget again and remember in the middle of a conference call and have to leave because I cannot control my tears. My boss yelled at me. Anyways, once a long time ago, I was in the fourth grade, so I guess not that long ago... Anyways. My darling new friends told me to come with them and that they had a suprise for me, as a welcome to the group. I followed them out past the school field then into the forest and along a lazy little creek. They told me 'Stay here. We'll be right back, its just around the corner dont worry.' So I beileved them. I waited and waited until it got dark outside and Henry came and found me. they had left me journal. The next day I walked into class and heard devious little giggles. It was humiliating. That is it journal."

I worried that monty would lead me to a small abandoned cottage and that he would tie me to a chair with some moldy rope he happened to find underneath the rusted sink. He would laugh and as he left he would put a sign around my neck labeled "Dunce". This was not to be though. My thoughts were almost entirely wrong. He led me out to a small stone ruin of what looked like to be an old inn of some sort. He sat me down and looked me square in the eye
"Who are you." he asked with determination. "Now that we are far away I demand you tell me, for your own good."
"My name is Melinda Evercrouft. That is all I will tell you. I assume you should know why. It is quite obvious after all and I cannot risk you knowing until i've gotten to know you better." I replied.
"Well then, Mel. I've got one more place to take you." he said with a smile. He grabbed my hand and still holding onto it ran into the wood of to the side of the ruin and into a small clearing. Feeling overjoyed I ran out into the clearing leaving Monty behind me. I span in circles laughing and dancing! I yelled for Moty to join me. Together we ran into the center of the clearing where a small lake was waiting with a little dock, just for us. We ran to the very edge of the dock. I bent down to look into the water at the fish and the next thing I know, My head is being shoved into the water! I cant breath, I cant think. He lifts me out. Brings my face eye level to his and says,
"You'd better tell me the rest Melly. Im not letting you off with just a warning my dear." Not sure what he meant I gave him my best puppy dog look and started to explain. His eyes softened as he started to understand.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Rambunctious Rambling

Chapter 6
Mud Puddles

The next moments of what I am about to tell you, you may not disclose. I followed the fisherman down the road and he got into a flatbed truck and started to drive away with his fish. So I hopped onto the back of the truck! He drove down the road without noticing me there, then he noticed me and slammed on the breaks, I fell out of the truck and rolled down a grassy hill. I finally hit the bottom of that hill and looked up to see I had only rolled about 7 ft. But as I stood up I followed my instinct and looked to my left. Ah! A small stream. I wandered over to it and looked down into it. Little rocks, little river rocks, staring up at me from the stream.
So I sat down by this little stream and picked up a handful of rocks, revealing a shiny something from within the stream! I put my hand back into the watter and moved the dirt around till I noticed this was a big shiny something! When I finally uncovered it I felt a peculiar feeling like I knew where it went. I wrapped it up in my jacket and walked back to the ambrose. when I got there I went to my room and sat on my bed. I took the plate out from my jacket, It had small silver horses runnning around the edges and a sun in the center. Then it came to me, I would take this plate and burry it! I ran outside and down the road by the bar where I had been earlier. I started digging a hole with my hands, I was about to put the plate in when a hand clasped over my shoulder!
"What do you think yer doin!" yelled a man. I started to cry because I was afraid. I actually didnt do that, what I did instead was much better. I took the plate and smashed it over his head. I dragged him back to the ambrose and put him in my wardrobe. Then I went and got some bread and jam and went back to my room. The man had woken up and was reading the journal, so I handed him a slice of bread and told him to read aloud what the passage said to me. Instead he threw the journal at me and made a break for the door. Then he did something I did not expect. He turned and asked for my name.
"I.... I am not.... Supposed to ah... uh.... talk to strangers..." I mumbled.
"thats cute." he replied sarcastically, "the names Monty."
"Ah! Monty! I've wanted to meet you for so long! I dont really no much about you but a lot of people seem to want to get to know you and meet you places so maybe we can get... you know... aquainted!" I excitedly rambled.
"............. That'll be fine....... Now who the ----- are you?" He asked.

Bright Eyes - At The Bottom Of Everything

I absolutely love this song. I thought you might too :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

La La La Logarithms

Chapter 5
Rectangles and Squares

Its late when I hear a knock on my door. I open it to see a flustered looking young women glaring at me. "Is there a problem miss?" I ask
"Problem? Yes! You took my reservation!" She exclaimed.
"Look, I think you have the wrong room." I replied, panic leaking into my voice, 'She knows!' I thought.
"My name is Lucielle! You met a man at the airport and told him you were me!" Lucielle yelled. At this time a groggy looking man came out of his room, glared at us, and went back in. Nervously I thought of an excuse.
"My name is lucielle. He was talking to me. I made this reservation, uh, a month ago." I replied.
"Well I dont think so!" She snapped her fingers in a Z formation like on those shows. I raised my eyebrows and shut and locked the door.

The next morning I woke up and put on my clothes. I walked hesitatingly towards the door. You see I was afraid the real Lucielle would be waiting outside the door. I slid the door open and looked out. No sign of her. I walked out with the intention of exploring the town. In the back of my mind though I knew what I really wanted to do. I was going to see monty! But shhhhh dont tell me that i'm not supposed to know. I walked like he said down the road and noticed a stone building that looked correct.
Entering I realized it was a bar.
"Closed!" a husky voice called from the back of the store. I walked forward,
"Monty!? Is that you?" I yelled hopefully.
A man came out looking quite homeless and stared at me.
"Monty is buisy visiting some dead relatives right now so come back at 6:21." He said.
What was it with this town and the time 6:21! I went and got some bread, looked ahead of me and saw a man in a fishing hat and rubber boots staring at me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Silence Is Worth 1000 Words

Chapter 4
Blue Fedoras
I wake up and look to my left expecting the clock to be there. Then I remember i'm not in my own house, i'm across the ocean in Denmark. I roll onto my back and start to memorize the lines in the ceiling. I sit up and get out of bed to look out the window. Its raining, I see a little girl run down the street into a bakery. I smile to myself and think, "Thats just what I need! A loaf of bread!"
I slide into my jeans and striped long top, pick up my jacket and boots and head out the door. I jump lightly down the stairs and begin to feel excited about my little adventure. As I open the door I am greeted by a friendly gust of wind who carries me out the door and seems to really want to get to know me. I am pushed along and barely notice the bakery as I am being swept away at the moment. I enter and bound up to the counter like a small child, I gaze at the bread I see and select a normal loaf with apricot jam. I head back to my little room and once inside I take the map out of my suitcase and plot where I will go next.
I look at the map, presently I am just south of Brande, which is where I need to be. Once I collect my thoughts I realize how close I am and my heart sinks a little. I was so excited to be a vagabond. I decided to stay a few more days in this town and read more of the journal.

June 16
"Dear Journal, I tire of days like today! I seem to have them quite often, it seems like I am dangers favorite person. Like earlier for instance, I stepped out of the shower right onto a fork! Of all things! It hurt journal it did. I ran out and cleaned of my foot in the sink. London came out eating a chicken wing and asked what happened to me! Sometimes I worry about this girl, leaving forks on the bathroom floor, and boxes of everything everywhere! Wish me luck journal, another interview today."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Channeling My Inner Artist

Chapter 3
The Castle Land
I quitely took my things from the overhead compartment and exited the plane. Now I was standing in line at the airports Starbucks, waiting for my vanilla bean frappuccino. As I sit down I take a sip and look up, a mysteriously attractive man stares at me. He gets up and walks to my table, a silent panic sets in and I nervously brush strands of hair away from my face.
"Rhonda!" He exclaims. I stop then and feel a little odd.
"Im very sorry but my name is not-", at this point I noticed a blank, passive look on his face. Then I turned around to see a woman standing behind me, staring at him like it was the first time she had seen the sky. They embraced and then left the shop. I quitely went back to sipping my coffee and once again removed the journal. Before I could read the rest of the passage someone tapped my shoulder. I looked behind me and a man I did not recognize was standing in my presence.
"Lucielle?" he asked.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Follow me." he commanded. We stood up and as we walked he told me little fractions of what was happening. "I have your living arrangements all worked out. You'll be staying at the the Ambrose. On Wednesday you will wake up promptly at 6:21, and walk to the stone building down the road and ask for Monty. Goodbye Lucielle." He took a right and I hopped into the taxi that was sitting in front of me.
The road was winding around and all that was around me was a large expanse of grassy hills and they grey sky that hung above them. The taxi pulled around what would be the last bend into a small arrangement of houses and buildings. At the center was a brick church with a stained glass window and a large bell tower. I got out and walked to the Ambrose, I gave them the name, lucielle, and they checked me in. I think it may be important to disclose at this point that my name is not lucielle, but I had needed a place to stay and I did not need another embarrassing name mixup.
Suffering from jetlag, I fell onto the bed and instantly fell asleep, wondering how far I was from where I needed to be. Or if my hunch to take this place really meant something, maybe I would go and find this "Monty" person and figure out what Lucielle was supposed to be doing. Until then I would sleep and have the same dream over and over.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

yellow sea

how art
i'm good, i make mistakes, that rhymes with snakes,
if i could
go anywhere it would
to hannah's mansion in
thank you
is a
# of happiness,
if there is such a thing
Hey Tucker.
i'm off to

Sunday, January 16, 2011

You Want It, You Got It.

Chapter 2
Walking Dead
"Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take-off."
It was like I had forgotten how to breath, luckily I wasnt as bad as the woman sitting next to me. She had her hair pinned up in a neat bun, wearing sweats and a large t-shirt, she was breathing heavily, while her hands were clenched tightly around the armrests, and her feet planted firmly on the ground. I tried to ask her if she was alright, her responce was a distracted moaning noise and a panicked facial expression. I turned my attentions elsewhere.
The plane finally got off the ground and the women finally calmed down. Without a word she got up, looked annoyed and asked the flight attendant if she could change seats. It was then that I realized I had been holding onto her hand quite tightly. I felt releaved when she left and asked the flight attendant for a drink. I took a sip and opened the journal.
June 14,
Journal, it is times like these when I feel like no one is listening to me! I went today to my boss and said, "Mr. Randsom, I have worked here for 10 years and gotten no reward for it! I deserve a raise!" instead he told me to collect my things and that I was not to enter the building again. Journal, I had not asked to be fired! That was not my intention at all! Now here I am packing my things into boxes and preparing to move back in with London, after all I can not affored my own place and-

I fell asleep at this point and was awakened by the same dream. This time there was a slight change, instead of beetles, they were little hornets and they flew away while one came and stung me on the nose. Then the car, then a glimps of the driver, onto my awakening. Just in time to hear that we would be landing shortly. Here I was, across the ocean from my home, my family, everything I knew. Only to return a locket, hopefully this time I would find out the truth about it.

true love in the purest form

I wish I was cool like them. They are so beautiful and great. I am so loving this picture of them. They look like this whenever I talk. I think it means they love me. :)

I Think, I Need A Type Writer.

This is it. The breakthrough i've always been waiting for. I will be a writer of adventure, of love, of tyranny, of betrayal, and of mysterious dealings. It will be called, "Satirical Avenue"

Chapter 1
The begining

I woke with a start. The dream slowly came back to me and the dread set in as I realized, it was the same dream as the night before, slowly repeating itself. Humorlessly coming back to haunt me because only I knew what it meant.
It was time to go and I knew it. Before I could calm myself down I jumped out of bed and slid the suitcases out from under it. I ran to the wardrobe and collected only the things I was sure I would need, the basic clothes, my scarf, the journal that started it all, and the locket I would be returning. I threw it all in the suitcase, not knowing how long I would be gone. I took one last glance behind me, collected the cash box from behind the cabinet and ran out of the house.
There was a bus stop down the road, it only took a moment to get there. The next bus was going to be there at 5:30, it was five at the moment, just half an hour, that ment half an hour to think. I sat down on the bench and thought over the dream, fog everywhere but you could see the grass, then out of the fog a figure approaches and hands me a glass bottle filled with small buttons. The stranger leaves and the buttons change to four leaf clovers, to little blue stars, to a jar full of beetles. Upon seeing them I drop the jar, it shatters and the beetles scatter all over, then the car pulls up and I get in, look over at the driver and before seeing its face, I wake up.
I hear the sound of the breaks in the distance, wait for a moment, then the bus pulls up and I slide in handing the driver the correct change. I slip to a seat near the back and stare out the window not knowing the next time i'll see this bus stop or the neighborhood surrounding it. Time to forget the past, remember the dream, get to the airport and go wherever this plane ticket takes me.

And that! Is chapter one. Just kidding i'm not writing a story, but if you must have more, just say so! hahaha This was for Madeline and Abigail.

But Dont Forget Me!

Once upon a time, I was swimming with my little brother and older sister, while my oldest sister watched from the bleachers above us. As I was swimming along I was hit with a "wave" of inspiration! I swam up to the very edge of the pool jumped onto it and yelled up to my sister, "Madeline! I'm a beached whale!!!"
The End

Quote: "A platitude is simply a truth repeated till people get tired of hearing it." - Stanley Baldwin.

Mood: Happy As A Clam. Or A Whale.