Chapter 8
Carrying Yellow Umbrellas
"Lovely!" I thought as I packed my last jar of jam into the suitcases that had been hiding so delicately underneath my bed for the past week. I had the unfortunate pleasure of arguing with Monty over weather I could pack the bread. In the end I lost that battle and was vaguely deppressed for a moment. I would not let him catch onto that though.
After we returned to the Ambrose after the day at the lake, Monty had informed me that I would not be making my journey alone and he was to escort me. I was not pleased, I argued but he ignored everything I had prepared in argument and told me to pack my things, we would be leaving in the morning. Which is when the argument of the bread came across my mind, you see once you take a bite of this bread, Oh there is nothing like it! I have no way of explaining, I had the nicest dream the other night that I entered into the little bakery and tried every flavor of bread (and pastry!) with each jam! What a dream! I thought that would be me in the next moment but according to Monty I was not allowed to leave my room. I sat there and waited for the morning eventually falling asleep.
"WAKE UP! Get up! It's time to get up now!" yelled an angry voice. I groggily rolled over on my pillow to notice a face right by mine!
"ah! Monty! You- what are you doing in my room!? Its still dark....!" I put my face in my pillow and screamed. I did not want to be up at this hour! What was he thinking! I looked at the clock 14:03. Huh, 14:03 thats odd. I did not rember the clock going up to 14 hours. I looked at the ceiling, an arrangement of blue butterflies were dancing around my room!
"Oh Monty, look! What an odd sight, don't you agree?" I looked at monty and saw that he was nothing more than a whicker chair.
I woke up with a jump. I looked at the ceiling, no blue butterflies, no whicker chair. there was my suitcase all packed and ready to go. I then realized, I did not have that same usual dream. I suddenly felt an empty sullen feeling.