Chapter 10
up, up and away
The car jerks as we turn a corner and our boxes and bags in the back of the car slide with us.
"Just want to make a quick stop!" Monty practically yells over the soft music. I look at his him as we pull into the parking area, and all at once I realize, Monty is my best friend! I'm so overwhelmed with happiness I start laughing uncontrollably and have a hard time getting out of the car. While walking into the building I still am smiling. I look over to my right and Monty is giving me an odd look but smiling too! We walk in and there it is. A convience store! Of course! It should have been obvious to me from the very begining. We head strait over to the isle with cereal. I have noticed in the last day or so that monty is in love with cereal. As we talked about our journey he was eating a bowl of cereal the whole time!
"How do you feel about this my dear?" Monty asks me as he holds up a box of Froot Loops.
"Oh my darling I think it is a splendid idea" I say with a coy smile, to which he responds by putting his arms around me and hugging me, right there in the middle of the isle!
"Mel! We need to be movin out o' here pretty fast. Will you put the Froot Loops down please?" Monty says, snapping me out of my little fantasy. 'What an odd thing,' I think to myself 'to have such a thought about Monty! Perposterous!' I am once again hit with a fit of giggles as I follow Monty down the isle.
"Mel! I'm going to teach you how to make the perfect sandwich!" Monty says. To which he promptly leads me around the store choosing certain items! I wrote them down too! Heres a list!
1. Bread (Of the fluffy good kind)
2. Meat (and lots of it!)
3. Lettuce (not as much as the meat)
4. Cheese (Depending on you perfence ik cuobl...)
5. Mustard (I hate mustard)
6. Kettle Chips (spoiecy oaeruc! quouchiyy! alriufuog!)
7. Lemoanabe (Cralyco! fater oul thatou mood!)
It got a little smudged at the end. I hope we have a picnic! Me and Monty having a picnic! Can you see it? I can we would sit on a little red and white checked blanket and eat our sandwiches and chips and lemoanabe.. whatever that is! All the while be serenaded by a french man! Oh alright maybe thats a little too drastic.
It's been raining while we were in the store and I hop over the puddles as we head back to the Jeep. I sit next to Monty in the car and feel tired. I close my eyes but I dont fall to sleep because Monty turns up the music much to loud.